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Category: School Maths & Science/Shapes

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Tool descriptions

  1. : Enter the radius, diameter, area or circumference of a circle, and calculate the other three.  More Info...
  2. : Enter the length, surface area or volume of a cube, and calculate the other two.  More Info...
  3. : Calculate the volume, apex height or base area of a pyramid.  More Info...
  4. : Calculate the area of a rhombus from its base and height or its two diagonals, or use the area to calculate one of the related properties.  More Info...
  5. : Enter the radius, surface area or volume of a sphere, and calculate the other two.  More Info...
  6. : Enter the length, perimeter or area of a square, and calculate the other two.  More Info...
  7. : Calculate the area of a triangle from its base and height or its sides (using Heron's formula), or use the area to calculate the base or height.  More Info...
  8. : Calculate the area, semi-minor axis length or semi-major axis length of an ellipse.  More Info...

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